Research Article

Comprehensive Screening of Cell Surface Markers Expressed by Adult-Derived Human Liver Stem/Progenitor Cells Harvested at Passage 5: Potential Implications for Engraftment

Figure 3

CXCR4 expression of ADHLSCs. (a) CXCR4 surface and internalized expression from passages 1 to 4 by flow cytometry. (b) Contour plot of double staining for CD90 and CXCR4 at passage 1. Representative immunofluorescence pictures of CXCR4 staining at passage 4 for permeabilized (d) and nonpermeabilized (c) ADHLSCs. (e) Cell surface and intracellular CXCR4 expression (± standard error of the mean) from passages 1 to 5 ( donors); significant differences have been found on the surface expression between P0/P1 and P2/P3 and P3/P4 ().