Research Article

SDF-1α Facilitates Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Induce Regulatory B Cell Differentiation from Patients with Immune Thrombocytopenia

Figure 6

miR-133 mediates the effects of MSCs on B cells dependent on exosome-based delivery. (a, b) Transfected with the miRNA-133 inhibitor, the miRNA-133 level was significantly depressed in MSCs or exosomes. (c, d) When PBMCs are cultured with the MSCs, MSC supernatant, or MSC exosomes, the percentage of CD19+CD24hiCD38hi CD19+ B cells and IL-10-producing CD19+ B cells will increase, but this phenomenon was reversed when the MSCs were pretreated with the miRNA-133 inhibitor or the MSC supernatants were depleted of exosomes. .