Research Article

METTL3-Mediated m6A RNA Modification Regulates Corneal Injury Repair

Figure 4

Methylated RNA immunoprecipitation sequencing (MeRIP-seq) and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) analysis of HCES3 cells with METTL3 knockdown. (a) Volcano map of differentially expressed genes. Red spot, genes that were significantly upregulated; green spot, genes that were significantly downregulated; and blue spot, genes that were not significantly downregulated. (b) Metagene profiles of m6A distribution across the transcriptome of HCES3 cells with METTL3 knockout. (c) Consensus motifs enriched with m6A peaks from transcripts identified in HCES3 cells with METTL3 knockout (2224 peaks). (d) GO analysis results of genes with m6A modifications. (e) The abundance of m6A in AHNAK and DDIT4 transcripts in METTL3 knockdown HCES3 cells was detected and mapped using Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV). (f) GO mapping of genes with m6A modifications. (g) Western blot of gene expression in HCES3 cells after treatment with shMETTL3. (h) Gene expression (relative to GAPDH) quantified by RT-qPCR.