Research Article

Characterization and Study of Gene Expression Profiles of Human Periodontal Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Spheroid Cultures by Transcriptome Analysis

Figure 2

Statistical analysis revealed 2,196 (1,061 upregulated and 1,135 downregulated) DEGs between monolayer and spheroid, using the criteria of value < 0.05 and fold . The red and gray plots represent DEGs and non-DEGs, respectively (a). Top 20 enriched GO terms in the upregulated DEGs in monolayer culture or spheroid culture were determined by DAVID. Left side of the red line designates Benjamini- (b). Heatmap shows expression level (on a loge scale) of top 20 upregulated DEGs in monolayer culture or spheroid culture (c). The bar plot shows fold change (on a Log2 scale) between the spheroid and monolayer culture for stem cell maintenance population genes. The red and gray bars represent DEGs and non-DEGs, respectively (d).