Research Article

Activated Human Umbilical Cord Blood Platelet-Rich Plasma Enhances the Beneficial Effects of Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Chemotherapy-Induced POF Rats

Figure 4

Changes in the estrous cycle of rats over 31 days. (a) Different estrus cycles (proestrous/estrous/metestrous/diestrous) as observed under a light microscope vaginal smear examination. Scale bar: 100 μm, 25 μm. (b) The estrus cycle record. The POF rats in the HucMSC group and the HucMSC+ucPRP group had regular estrus cycles, but the rats in the sham group still retained a chaotic estrus cycle. The red × represents the ongoing chaos in the estrus cycle, and the green √ represents the individuals whose estrus cycle had recovered.