Research Article

3D Spheroid Formation Using BMP-Loaded Microparticles Enhances Odontoblastic Differentiation of Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells

Figure 1

Sustainable release of BMP-2 and BMP-4 by using the microparticles of the entire leaf-stacked structure (LSS). (a) Scanning electron microscopic structure of the surface of an ELSS microparticle. (b) Daily release amounts of BMP-2 (A) and BMP-4 (B). The release behavior was analyzed daily using 5 mg of particles and continued until 0.2 ng of each BMP was released. The releases of BMP-2 and BMP-4 were analyzed for 39 days and 37 days, respectively. (c) Cumulative release amounts of BMP-2 (A) and BMP-4 (B). Over 39 days and 37 days, the cumulative release amounts of BMP-2 and BMP-4 per 5 mg of particles were 174.93 ng and 194.26 ng, respectively.