Research Article

Integration of Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cell Application in Hydroxyapatite-Based Scaffolds in the Treatment of Vertebral Bone Defect due to Spondylitis Tuberculosis: A Translational Study

Figure 6

A 30-year-old female (case 3). (a) Preoperative radiography showed defects on multiple corpus vertebrae (T9-12). (b) One-month postoperative radiography showed around 50% of new bone formation along T9-L1, and postoperative radiography also showed instrumentation planted on the left side. (c) Three-month postoperative radiography showed around 65% of new bone formation. (d) Six-month postoperative radiography showed around 85% of new bone formation. (e) Six-month postoperative CT scan showed around 85% of new bone formation. Sites are within yellow circles and pointed using white, black, and blue arrows.