Research Article

Development of a Human Intestinal Organoid Model for In Vitro Studies on Gut Inflammation and Fibrosis

Figure 1

Development and characterization of HIOs. (a) Developmental stages of HIO formation. (b, c) HIOs stained against Desmin and E-cadherin, indicating fibroblast and epithelial cell populations, respectively. (d) HIOs stained positive for EpCam, cytokeratin, and CDX2, indicating intestinal epithelial cells. (e) MUC2-positive goblet cells and Chromogranin A-positive endocrine epithelial cells found in HIOs, surrounded by Villin-expressing epithelial cells. (f) HIOs stained positive for either KLF5 or SOX9, indicating the existence of intestinal epithelial stem cell niches that support the already-differentiated E-cadherin- and Villin-expressing epithelial cells. Representative 40x snapshots are shown in (a) and 28.8x immunofluorescence images in (b–f). (b–f) Images were obtained using a light sheet microscope. (c–f) Images are selected -slices from the HIO total volume. (b) A 3D volume of an organoid.