Research Article

Researches on Stem and Progenitor Cells in Intervertebral Discs: An Analysis of the Scientific Landscape

Table 3

The top 5 high-yield research directions, funds, and journals with the most publications on stem and progenitor cells in intervertebral discs.

CategoryRankItemsRecordsH-indexTotal citationsAverage citations

Research direction1Cell Biology18135442124.43
3Research & Experimental Medicine7824199725.60
5Neurosciences & Neurology6333333552.94

Fund1National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)15727279817.82
2National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA3019123941.30
2United States Department of Health & Human Services3019123941.30
4European Commission181154530.28
4National Key Research and Development Program of China181134519.17

2Stem Cells International231235915.61
3Tissue Engineering Part A161361138.19
4Spine Journal151266944.60
5Stem Cell Research & Therapy13934826.77