Review Article

Primary Cilia: A Cellular Regulator of Articular Cartilage Degeneration

Table 1

The protein or signaling factors in the chondrocyte primary cilia.

NameDefinitionLocationStudy related to cartilage developmentRef.

TRPV4A nonselective cation channelCiliary membrane and axonemeIn this study, TRPV4 activation by mechanical, hypoosmotic, and pharmaceutical stimulation blocked IL-1β-mediated inflammatory signaling and destruction of the articular cartilage matrix by HDAC6-dependent modulation of ciliary tubulin.[28]
PC1Eleven transmembrane helix proteinsCell membrane and cytoplasmWann et al. have demonstrated that the chondrocyte cilium is the downstream receptor of ATP-induced Ca2+ signaling and suggest that defective PC1 processing leads to disrupted signaling in Tg737ORPK mutant cells.[29]
PC2Six transmembrane helicesCiliary membraneThompson et al. have reported that upon mechanical stimulation, PC2 ciliary localization increases, which activates purinergic Ca2+ signaling, upregulates matrix gene expression, and protects cilia from mechanically induced disassembly.[30]
HDAC6a tubulin deacetylaseAxonemeFu et al. have shown that mechanical loading activates HDAC6 and disrupts tubulin acetylation and cilia elongation, which inhibits IL-1β-induced release of proinflammatory mediators, nitric oxide (NO), and prostaglandin E2 (PGE 2).[31]
Arl13bThe membrane bound GTPase, a key regulator of the ciliary traffickingCiliary membrane and axonemeThorpe et al. have demonstrated that the prevalence and length of normalized primary cilia are dramatically reduced and Arl13b expression at the distal tip is increasing in AKU chondrocytes, which manifests itself as articular cartilage degeneration, resulting in inhibition of ligand-induced hedgehog signaling.[32]
HIF-2αa DNA-binding transcription factorCiliary baseThis study indicates that the primary cilium regulates HIF signaling during inflammation.[33]
TGF-βRThe orphan G-protein-coupled receptorCiliary pocketKawasaki et al. have reported that TGF-β suppresses Ift88 expression and reduces the length of primary cilia in chondrocytic ATDC5 cells, which may be the mechanisms of cartilage pathophysiology.[34]
Gpr161The orphan G-protein-coupled receptorPrimary ciliaHwang et al. have reported that Gpr161 regulates limb patterning, endochondral, and intramembranous skeletal morphogenesis in a cilium-dependent way.[35]

PC1: polyc ystin-1; PC2: polycystin-2; HDAC6: histone deacetylase 6; Arl13b: ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 13B; HIF-2α: hypoxia-inducible factor 2 alpha.