Research Article

Promoting Immortalized Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Transdifferentiation and Proliferation into Neuronal-Like Cells through Consecutive 525 nm and 825 nm Photobiomodulation

Table 2

Genes and transcription factors related to neurogenesis detected through RT-PCR following IT2 NIR-G PBM treatment with their relevant functions, fold change, and values.

GeneFunctionFold change valueReferences

ACHEAssists in neurotransmission170.620.300763[57]
APOEProvides neuronal protection and repair after injury43.960.037188[58]
ASCL1Neuronal commitment in differentiation99.590.015643[59]
BMP4Stimulates neuronal differentiation via ERK pathway7.750.004901[60]
BMP8BMediates remodelling of the neurovascular network in ADSCs139.550.245330[61]
CHRM2Excitation of neurons, synaptic plasticity, and feedback regulation of ACHE87.910.036105[62]
CXCL1Critical role in migration in the brain; allows for BBB permeabilization45.450.035850[7]
DCXAssists in neuronal homing87.910.036105[63]
DLL1Regulates Notch signalling; mediates cell fate determination36.790.039993[64]
DRD2Synthesis and regulation of dopamine; synaptic plasticity53.130.037051[65]
GRIN1Regulation of synapsis87.910.036105[66]
HEY2Key role in brain development138.590.182292[67]
HEYLPromotes neuronal differentiation of NPCs87.910.036105[68]
IL3Regulates proliferation and survival of NPCs87.910.036105[69]
MDKAssists in proliferation and migration51.200.036887[70]
NEUROD1Essential for the survival and differentiation of newborn neurons87.910.036105[71]
NEUROG1Encourages neurite outgrowth71.080.095615[72]
NEUROG2Regulates differentiation of NPCs264.660.353172[73]
NOGRequired for proper CNS development87.910.036105[74]
NR2E3Maintains and regulates neural stem and neocortex development58.400.037037[75]
NRCAMResponsible for neuronal cell adhesion20.080.015638[76]
NTN1Plays a role in axon guidance and cell homing during neuronal network development87.910.036105[77]
TENM1Organizes the synaptic network by matching synaptic partners: axons and target projection neuronal cells87.910.036105[78]
OLIG2Determines motor neuron and oligodendrocyte differentiation; sustains replication in early neuronal development; regulates proliferation of NPCs118.990.005325[79]
PAX3Impacts proliferation, survival, differentiation, and motility87.910.036105[80]
PAX5Provides neuroprotection and aids in the healing of injured neurons21.730.050238[81]
POU3F3Involved in CNS development147.510.123322[82]
POU4F1Important for differentiation, axonal elongation, and cell survival87.910.036105[83]
S100BAids in normal CNS formation and recovery following injury56.680.037128[84]
SHHPromotes proliferation and differentiation44.160.037775[85]
SOX2Essential in self-renewal maintenance of NSCs; directs the differentiation of SCs to neuronal differentiation180.770.218528[86]
SOX8Aids in NPC specification and cell survival14.370.020562[87]
SOD1Protects the cell from ROS0.850.614984[88]
TNREncourage neurite outgrowth and neural cell adhesion, proliferation and migration, axonal guidance, myelination, and synaptic plasticity87.910.036105[89]