Research Article

E3 Ubiquitin Ligase CHIP Inhibits the Interaction between Hsp90β and MAST1 to Repress Radiation Resistance in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Stem Cells

Figure 1

Expression of the E3 ubiquitin ligase CHIP in NSCLC. (a) The volcano map of lung cancer radiotherapy-related microarray GSE84108 in the GEO database. Red indicates the upregulated genes, and green indicates the downregulated genes. (b) The Venn plot of the screening results from GeneCards database and the results of the microarray GSE84108 analysis. (c) The results showing KEGG functional enrichment analysis of candidate genes in the GeneCards database analysis and the microarray GSE84108 analysis. (d) The correlation of STUB1 (CHIP) expression with the CSC markers CD133 (PROM1) and ALDH1A1 (ALDH1) in lung cancer analyzed by the GEPIA database. (e) CHIP expression in cancer and adjacent normal tissues of NSCLC patients () determined by RT-qPCR. .