Research Article

Golgin Subfamily A Member 5 Is Essential for Production of Extracellular Matrix Proteins during TGF-β1-Induced Periodontal Ligament-Fibroblastic Differentiation

Figure 6

The overexpression of GOLGA5 induces the programed cell death. (a) Morphological changes of GOLGA5 overexpressed hPDLSC. (b) FACS analysis by double staining of PI and annexin V. (c) Activation of apoptotic marker proteins. The ectopic expression of GOLGA5 was detected by anti-FLAG antibody (a-FLAG). The activated fragments of PARP and caspase-3 were indicated by arrowheads. Lane 1: transfection with vector only (vec); lane 2: transfection with GOLGA5 cDNA construct (OE).