Research Article

Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from the Placenta and Chorion Suppress the Proliferation while Enhancing the Migration of Human Breast Cancer Cells

Figure 9

The effect of DKK1, TGF-β, and IFN-γ on the proliferation of human breast cancer MDA-MB231 cells in the presence of soluble factors derived from PL-hMSCs and CH-hMSCs. (a) Graphs show the growth kinetics of MDA-MB231 cells cultured in 75% conditioned medium derived from CH-hMSCs and PL-hMSCs supplemented with the DKK1 antagonist CHIR99021 (75% CH-CM+CHIR and 75% PL-CM+CHIR, respectively) determined by the MTT assay. Data are presented as of four experiments. MDA-MB231 cultured in DMEM medium +10% FBS supplemented with CHIR99021 (control+CHIR) served as controls. (b) Graphs show the growth kinetics of MDA-MB231 cells cultured in 75% conditioned media derived from CH-hMSCs and PL-hMSCs supplemented with TGF-β inhibitor SB431542 (75% CH-CM+SB and 75% PL-CM+SB, respectively) as determined by the MTT assay. Data are presented as of four experiments. MDA-MB231 cultured in DMEM medium +10% FBS supplemented with SB431542 (control+SB) served as controls. (c) Graphs show the growth kinetics of MDA-MB231 cells cultured in 75% conditioned media derived from CH-hMSCs and PL-hMSCs supplemented with IFN-γ neutralizing antibody XMG1.2 (75% CH-CM+IFNGi and 75% PL-CM+IFNGi, respectively) determined by the MTT assay. Data are presented as of four experiments. MDA-MB231 cultured in DMEM medium +10% FBS supplemented with XMG1.2 (control+IFNGi) served as controls. between the compared groups. CH-CMs were prepared from 3 CH-hMSCs (CH9, CH15, and CH16), and PL-CMs were prepared from 3 PL-hMSCs (PL11, PL14, and PL17).