Research Article

Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Enhanced Adipose-Derived Stem Cell-Mediated Angiogenesis in the Treatment of Diabetic Erectile Dysfunction through the Piezo-ERK-VEGF Axis

Figure 8

LIPUS activated the downstream pathway through the Piezo channel in ADSCs. (a) Western blot analysis of ERK, p-ERK, VEGFA, and GAPDH expression in ADSCs treated with LIPUS or GsMTX4, a selective Piezo channel inhibitor (ADSCs were pretreated with 5 μM GsMTX4 for 1 hour). (b) The relative density of p-ERK compared with that of ERK. (c) The relative density of VEGF compared with that of GAPDH. (d) The concentration of VEGF in the supernatant of the cell culture medium. (e) Western blot analysis of ERK, p-ERK, VEGFA, and GAPDH expression in ADSCs treated with LIPUS or Yoda1, an agonist of the Piezo channel (ADSCs were pretreated with 30 μM Yoda1 for 1 hour). (f) The relative density of p-ERK compared with that of ERK. (g) The relative density of VEGF compared with that of GAPDH. (h) The concentration of VEGF in the supernatant of the cell culture medium. Data are presented as the mean ± standard deviation. ns when comparing the GsMTX4 group. when comparing the NC group.