Research Article

DPSCs Protect Architectural Integrity and Alleviate Intervertebral Disc Degeneration by Regulating Nucleus Pulposus Immune Status

Figure 7

Structural analysis and immunobiological staining of IVD degeneration rats. (a) Histological scores representing the structural changes of the affected disc. The histological grading scale is the sum of the following 4 aspects: annulus fibrosus, border between the annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus, cellularity of the nucleus pulposus, and matrix of the nucleus pulposus, with each aspect ranging from 1 to 3. (b–f) Statistical analysis of the architectural parameters of the IVD. (b) NPH/DH reflects changes of the NP thickness. (c) SEPH/DH reflects changes of the superior endplate thickness. (d) IEPH/DH reflects changes of the inferior endplate thickness. (e) SEPH/IEPH reflects the changing ratio of the superior/inferior endplate thickness. (f) (SEPH+IEPH)/DH reflects alterations of the overall endplate thickness in one disc. (g) Immunohistological staining of TNF-α and collagen II in the intervertebral disc. μm., , and . NPH: maximum nucleus pulposus height; DH: intervertebral disc height; SEPH: superior endplate height; IEPH: inferior endplate height.