Review Article

The Influence of Intervertebral Disc Microenvironment on the Biological Behavior of Engrafted Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Table 1

Common types of MSCs and their characteristics.

Cell sourcesAdvantagesDisadvantages

BMSCsHigh chondrogenic differentiation potentialCumbersome and invasive procedure to obtain and low cell density in bone marrow aspirate
AD-MSCsEase of bulk availability, low donor site morbidity, and high proliferation ratesLower differentiation potential than BMSCs
UC-MSCsEasy to obtain, low immunogenicity, and no ethical barriersInsufficient differentiation potential and high treatment costs
NP-MSCsWell adapted to the microenvironment of the IVDLack of standard, reliable and efficient separation, and purification methods

AD-MSCs: adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells; BMSCs: bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells; IVD: intervertebral disc; NP-MSCs: nucleus pulposus-derived mesenchymal stem cells; UC-MSCs: umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells.