Review Article

The Influence of Intervertebral Disc Microenvironment on the Biological Behavior of Engrafted Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Table 3

Effects of nutrient deficiency on the biological behavior of MSCs.

Cell sourcesYearTeamJournalResultsReference

BMSCs2007Potier et al.Tissue EngSerum deprivation (1% and 0% FBS) combined with hypoxia inhibited BMSC viability.[112]
2008Wuertz et al.SpineIVD-like glucose (1.0 mg/mL) promoted BMSC proliferation and expression of aggrecan and collagen-I but had no effect on their viability.[104]
2015Farrell et al.Osteoarthritis CartilageGlucose deprivation (1.0 g/L) inhibited BMSC viability.[107]
2015Naqvi and BuckleyJ AnatUnder hypoxic conditions (5% O2), IVD-like glucose (5 mM) promoted the accumulation of sGAG and collagen compared with standard conditions (25 mM), whereas low glucose (1 mM) inhibited BMSC viability, proliferation, and accumulation of sGAG and collagen.[108]
2016He et al.Int J Mol MedOxygen, glucose, and serum deprivation inhibited BMSC viability.[119]
2020Liu et al.Life SciOxygen, glucose, and serum deprivation inhibited BMSC viability and proliferation.[120]

AD-MSCs2007Parker et al.CytotherapyBoth low-serum (0.5%) and serum-free maintained the chondrogenic differentiation ability of AD-MSCs.[110]
2012Liang et al.J Transl MedIVD-like glucose (1.0 mg/mL) slightly inhibited AD-MSC viability but increased aggrecan expression.[105]
2016Safwani et al.CytotechnologySerum-free inhibited AD-MSC viability and proliferation but promoted their chondrogenic differentiation.[111]
2018Takahashi et al.Cell TransplantSerum-free conditions inhibited the viability of AD-MSCs and BMSCs, and AD-MSCs exhibited a higher survival rate than BMSCs.[89]
2018Ghorbani et al.Nat Prod ResGlucose-serum deprivation inhibited AD-MSC viability.[114]
2018Wu et al.Exp Ther MedOxygen, glucose, and serum deprivation inhibited AD-MSC viability.[121]
2018Li et al.Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Biol LipidsOxygen, glucose, and serum deprivation inhibited AD-MSC viability.[122]
2020Abdolmaleki et al.Cell Tissue BankGlucose-serum deprivation inhibited AD-MSC viability and proliferation.[115]
2021Pang et al.Drug Des Devel TherSerum deprivation combined with hypoxia inhibited AD-MSC viability.[113]
2022Pan et al.CytotechnologySerum deprivation inhibited AD-MSC viability, proliferation, and expression of stemness genes (Oct4, Nanog, and Sox-2).[116]
2022Yang et al.Biosci RepGlucose deprivation combined with hypoxia (1% O2) inhibited AD-MSC viability, proliferation, and migration.[109]

NP-MSCs2009Jünger et al.SpineLimited glucose (2.0 mg/mL) inhibited NP-MSC viability compared with sufficient glucose (4.5 mg/mL).[106]
2020Tian et al.J Orthop Surg ResOxygen, glucose, and serum deprivation inhibited NP-MSC viability, proliferation, and expression of aggrecan, collagen-I, and collagen-II.[123]

PMSCs2009Huang et al.Stem Cell Rev and RepHypoxia (1% O2) and serum deprivation did not induce apoptosis in PMSCs.[117]
2010Huang et al.Cell biology internationalHypoxia (1% O2) promoted the proliferation of PMSCs, whereas serum deprivation inhibited the growth of PMSCs.[118]

AD-MSCs: adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells; BMSCs: bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells; FBS: fetal bovine serum; IVD: intervertebral disc; NP-MSCs: nucleus pulposus-derived mesenchymal stem cells; PMSCs: placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells; sGAG: sulphated glycosaminoglycans.