Review Article

The Influence of Intervertebral Disc Microenvironment on the Biological Behavior of Engrafted Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Table 5

Effects of osmotic cell pressure on the biological behavior of MSCs.

Cell sourcesYearTeamJournalResultsReference

BMSCs2008Wuertz et al.SpineIVD-like osmolarity (485 mOsm) inhibited BMSC viability, proliferation, and expression of aggrecan and collagen-I compared with controls (280 mOsm).[104]
2013Caron et al.BoneThe increased osmolarity (380 mOsm) promoted the chondrogenic differentiation of BMSCs compared with controls ( mOsm).[141]

AD-MSCs2012Liang et al.J Transl MedIVD-like osmolarity (485 mOsm) inhibited AD-MSC viability, proliferation, and expression of aggrecan and collagen-I compared with controls (280 mOsm).[105]
2016Potočar et al.PLoS One.The increased osmolarity (400-600 mOsm) inhibited AD-MSC viability, proliferation, and chondrogenic differentiation potential compared with controls (300 mOsm).[140]
2018Ahmadyan et al.Appl Biochem BiotechnolAll hyperosmolar conditions (350, 450, and 550 mOsm) promoted the chondrogenic differentiation of AD-MSCs, and only NaCl 550 mOsm inhibited AD-MSC proliferation.[142]
2018Ahmadyan et al.Cell Mol BiolHyperosmolar conditions (450 mOsm) promoted the chondrogenic differentiation of AD-MSCs compared with controls (350 mOsm).[143]
2020Zhang et al.Mol Cell BiochemCompared with controls (300 mOsm), 400 mOsm osmolarity promoted NP-like differentiation of AD-MSCs, whereas 500 mOsm osmolarity inhibited NP-like differentiation of AD-MSCs and increased osmolarity (400 and 500 mOsm) inhibited their viability and proliferation.[144]
2021Alinezhad-Bermi et al.In Vitro Cell Dev Biol AnimCertain dose of hyperosmolarity (480 mOsm) promoted the chondrogenic differentiation of AD-MSCs compared with controls (350 mOsm).[145]

NP-MSCs2013Tao et al.Cell Biol IntIVD-like osmolarity (400 mOsm) slightly inhibited NP-MSC viability and significantly inhibited their proliferation and expression of sox-9, aggrecan, and collagen-II compared with controls (280 mOsm).[139]
2018Li et al.Cells Tissues OrgansCompared with controls (300 mOsm), the hyperosmolarity (430 and 500 mOsm) of healthy IVD inhibited the proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation of NP-MSCs, whereas the relative hyperosmolarity (400 mOsm) promoted their proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation.[146]

AD-MSCs: adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells; BMSCs: bone-marrow mesenchymal stem cells; IVD: intervertebral disc; NP: nucleus pulposus; NP-MSCs: nucleus pulposus-derived mesenchymal stem cells.