Research Article

[Retracted] lncRNA HOTTIP Recruits EZH2 to Inhibit PTEN Expression and Participates in IM Resistance in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Figure 5

HOTTIP regulates EZH2 to inhibit PTEN expression. Note: (a) catRAPID predicted binding region of HOTTIP and EZH2. (b) FISH analyzed the localization of EZH2 and HOTTIP in IR-K562 cells. (c) RIP-PCR were used to test the interaction between EZH2 and HOTTIP. vs. IgG. (d) RT-qPCR and Western blot were used to measure EZH2 mRNA and protein level after knocking down HOTTIP. (e) Western blot analysis was used to measure EZH2 in BM-MNCs of CML patients. Right panel, bar chart of protein densitometric analysis. . RT-qPCR was used to detect EZH2 level in BM-MNCs of CML patients. Normalized to GAPDH. vs. NC. Western blot analysis was used to measure EZH2 protein level in IR-K562 and K562 cells. Right panel, bar chart of protein densitometric analysis. ; RT-qPCR was used to detect EZH2 mRNA level in CML cell lines (K562 and IR-K562). Normalized to GAPDH. vs. NC. (f) RT-qPCR and Western blot were used to detect EZH2 and PTEN mRNA and protein levels after transfecting with specific sh-con or sh-EZH2. vs. DMSO.