Research Article

A Novel Molecular Classification Method for Glioblastoma Based on Tumor Cell Differentiation Trajectories

Figure 4

Transcriptional distinguishment between the four differentiation trajectories of tumor cells. (a) Differences in total GO pathway enrichment between the seven tumor clusters. (b) Differences in total transcripts between the seven tumor clusters. (c) Differences in the proportion of cell cycle phases in GSCL and malignant cell clusters. (d) Heatmap showing differences in activation of pathways between the seven tumor clusters. (e) Heatmap showing differences in activation of pathways related to targeted therapies in Class-G/Opc-G/Neo-G/Ac-G/Undiff-G clusters calculated by GSVA method. (f) Heatmaps of differences in single-cell copy number between the tumor clusters and other cell clusters. (g) TF activity in the GSCL/Undiff-G/Ac-G/Opc-G/Class-G/Neo-G clusters. The top 7 activated TFs were marked in each cluster.