Research Article

Combination Therapy with Platelet-Rich Plasma and Epidermal Neural Crest Stem Cells Increases Treatment Efficacy in Vascular Dementia

Figure 8

The comparison of long-term potentiation (LTP) induction between different studied groups. LTP induction in sample traces of responses (a). After high-frequency stimulation (HFS), the percentage of the change of the fEPSP amplitude compared to the baseline was compared between all groups (b). The means of fEPSP amplitude after HFS were compared between all groups (c). Significant differences with respect to the sham ( , ) and 2VO + V (#, ##). The values are shown as mean ± SEM. Control (n = 8), sham (n = 7), 2VO + V (n = 8), 2VO + PRP (n = 8), 2VO + ESC (n = 8), and 2VO + ESC + PRP (n = 7).