Research Article

Human Infrapatellar Fat Pad Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Inhibit Fibroblast Proliferation by Regulating MT2A to Reduce Knee Arthrofibrosis

Figure 3

Construction of a fibroblast inflammatory model and screening of molecular targets for inhibiting knee arthrofibrosis. (a) Increased expression of the inflammatory factors IL-6 and TNF-α after IL-1β stimulation. (b) Increased expression of the proliferation-related genes PCNA and CCND1 after IL-1β stimulation. (c) IL-1β (10 ng/mL) was combined with various IPFSC-EV concentrations to react with fibroblasts for 24 h. CCK-8 assay revealed that fibroblast viability was suppressed in a concentration-dependent manner. (d) Volcano plot showing genes that were differentially expressed between IPFSC-EVs and controls. (e) GO analysis showing upregulated cell cycle phase transition and cell cycle G1/S phase transition and downregulated connective tissue development. (f) KEGG pathway analysis showing upregulated cell cycle and p53 signaling pathway and significantly downregulated extracellular matrix–receptor interactions. All data are presented as . compared with the control group.