Research Article

Abnormal Decrease of Macrophage ALKBH5 Expression Causes Abnormal Polarization and Inhibits Osteoblast Differentiation

Figure 5

ALKBH5 overexpression impairs hMSC osteogenic differentiation. (a) WB was used to detect the ALKBH5 expression in hMSCs with or without ALKBH5 overexpression. (b) qPCR was used to detect the ALKBH5 mRNA level in hMSCs with or without ALKBH5 overexpression. (c) Dot-blot analysis of RNA m6A modification levels of cells with or without ALKBH5 overexpression. MB, methyl blue. (d) hMSC osteogenic differentiation analyzed by Alizarin red–S. Scale bar, 50 μm. (e) Quantification of Alizarin red–S staining area in different groups. (f) Col1a1, OSX, and Runx2 mRNA levels of cells with or without ALKBH5 overexpression were detected by qPCR. Significance was defined as .