The latest from Hindawi

We are pleased to announce today that we are shifting our journal model and appointing Chief Editors on a selection of titles during 2019.

Hindawi partners with DataSalon

Hindawi partners with DataSalon

Authors | Editors | Reviewers

Journal-level reporting for all of 232 titles will be openly available as part of Hindawi’s commitment to be radically open.

New research takes ‘happy bias’ from lab to daily life. Could this help prevent depression?

Could dark chocolate be a simple way to reduce oxidative stress that leads to muscle injury?

On the 50th anniversary of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, we look to the future of the telecommunications industry and explore...

Wide-ranging review of wearable technology research reveals how monitoring devices for use in everyday life and in specialist healthcare are becoming...

Consistent with our mission to put researchers at the heart of everything we do, this new partnership will better serve the research community.

Hindawi partner with AGU and FAIRsharing to improve their policies on data sharing.

We are working with SciencePOD to help raise our authors’ visibility and encourage scientific collaboration.

BME Frontiers – an interdisciplinary journal that aims to serve as an effective platform for the biomedical engineering community – is the latest...

Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A and Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B are the latest additions to the Wiley-Hindawi partnership.

Dr. Atanas discusses the importance of antioxidants, how the landscape has changed over the years and the direction this field of research is headed.

We have begun to integrate the 200+ Hindawi journals into Wiley’s journal portfolio. You can find out more about how this benefits our journal communities on our FAQ.