The latest from Hindawi

Hindawi submitted a proposal this May in response to the European Commission’s tender to launch a new publishing platform. The Commission’s aim is to...

Hindawi’s CEO, Paul Peters, provides an update on the corporate restructuring Hindawi has recently gone through.

Curbing the cargo cults

Curbing the cargo cults

Researchers | Research integrity

Head of Research Integrity at Hindawi, Matt Hodgkinson, discusses the latest update of the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly...

All Hindawi journals now require a data availability statement to be provided at the point of submission for all new research articles and clinical...

Hindawi’s Head of Research Integrity discusses the ever-complicated issue of authorship disputes, whether they should end in retraction or not, and...

To support data sharing and encourage greater transparency, we’ve updated our guidelines on the deposition of new small molecule single crystal X-ray...

Hindawi’s CEO, Paul Peters, explains the problems inherent in proprietary solutions for Open Science infrastructure and presents a proposal for how...

How to avoid being accused of plagiarism

How to avoid being accused of plagiarism

Authors | Researchers | Research integrity

Head of Research Integrity at Hindawi, Matt Hodgkinson, gives practical advice on how researchers can avoid plagiarism accusations.

London-based, open access publisher Hindawi Limited announced today that it has signed a partnership agreement with the Collaborative Knowledge...

Hindawi today announced the signing of a publishing partnership agreement with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS...

A recent announcement from the Initiative for Open Citations calls for all stakeholders – including researchers – to start having conversations with...

Data availability at Hindawi

Data availability at Hindawi

Researchers | Data sharing

Coinciding with #LoveYourData week, we are announcing our intention to require authors to provide a Data Availability Statement with all newly...

We have begun to integrate the 200+ Hindawi journals into Wiley’s journal portfolio. You can find out more about how this benefits our journal communities on our FAQ.