Research Article

Identification of Important Genes of Keratoconus and Construction of the Diagnostic Model

Table 3

The list of DEGs is shown in Table 3.

TermCount valueFDR

hsa04514: cell adhesion molecules251.11E − 086.41E − 07
hsa04010: MAPK signaling pathway356.19E − 081.96E − 06
hsa04060: cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction322.02E − 062.44E − 05
hsa04612: antigen processing and presentation153.66E − 064.01E − 05
hsa04610: complement and coagulation cascades151.04E − 051.09E − 04
hsa04640: hematopoietic cell lineage156.10E − 055.61E − 04
hsa04510: focal adhesion212.89E − 042.37E − 03
hsa04630: JAK-STAT signaling pathway184.42E − 043.28E − 03
hsa04350: TGF-beta signaling pathway135.36E − 043.85E − 03
hsa04115: p53 signaling pathway118.85E − 046.12E − 03
hsa05200: pathways in cancer365.14E − 032.82E − 02